
Asset Performance Management

Optimizing Your Assets for Peak Performance and Reliability

At Hatch, we are passionate about helping our clients optimize the performance of their operational assets. Whether it’s a furnace, a pipeline, a turbine, or any other critical equipment, we have the expertise and technology to ensure its reliability, productivity, and safety.

Reduce downtime and failures

  • Visual inspection by subject matter experts 
  • Non-Destructive Testing 
  • Failure mode effect analysis 
  • Structural integrity monitoring/assessment services 
  • Repair design and implementation.

Optimize maintenance

  • Real time monitoring of critical assets 
  • Improve operational procedures 
  • Provide replacement components 

Improve performance, increase campaign life 

  • Process analysis
  • Condition assessment and technical audits
  • Identify upgrades and retrofits


We can help you improve asset integrity by directly monitoring assets and/or framing a condition monitoring program with your site team. 

  • Apply a risk-based (barrier management/risk-based inspection [RBI]) framework to identify critical controls to inform condition monitoring.
  • Condition monitoring programs include audits, inspections, data analysis, and advanced NDT technologies. 
  • Optimize material performance with corrosion, deterioration, and failure assessments by using advanced techniques and methodologies to protect assets and increase campaign life.

We support clients with life cycle maintenance planning, equipment condition assessments, replacements and revamps, and operational data collection and storage. 

Integrated Services

Furnace audit program: Hatch’s furnace audit program helps gauge the integrity and campaign life of furnaces. This provides an expert view on their furnaces to either affirm their practice or help them improve. The goal is to increase client KPIs at every possible level, improve safety, prevent sudden failures, extend campaign life, and reduce waste. The following key areas of auditing will be conducted: 

  • Structural and mechanical audit. 
  • Equipment audit. 
  • Refractory audit. 
  • Instrumentation and control system audit. 
  • Power system audit. 
  • Process audit. 


We offer a comprehensive range of Asset Performance Management services, covering four key practices:

  • Non-Destructive Testing: In addition to conventional NDT techniques (such as ultrasonic testing, impact echo, magnetic particle testing, phased array ultrasonic testing, and liquid penetrant testing), we have developed and use state-of-the-art non-destructive testing methods, such as our proprietary Acousto Ultrasonic-Echo (AU-E) technique, to detect and characterize defects, damage, and deterioration in various layered materials and structures. We’ve also designed Furnace Integrity Monitoring System (FIMS) for long-term continuous monitoring of metallurgical vessels. Furthermore, we provide applied geophysics services for subsurface investigations and mapping. 
  • Materials & Corrosion: We provide corrosion monitoring and mitigation solutions, materials engineering, cathodic protection, forensic engineering, and corrosion assessments to protect and extend the life of our client’s assets. We use advanced techniques and methodologies to understand and optimize material performance under various operating conditions and environments. 
  • Pyro-Technology Performance: Following a risk-based approach, we apply our significant experience in furnace equipment design, operation, and maintenance to conduct comprehensive evaluations of the condition and performance of pyrometallurgical furnaces and auxiliary equipment. We conduct on-site inspections, data analysis, barrier monitoring, incident investigations, troubleshooting, technical advisory, and life cycle planning to provide clients with an understanding of the current risk state of their equipment and recommend solutions to help achieve their objectives, including overall equipment effectiveness, campaign life, and safety.  
  • Aftermarket Products & Services: We supply spares, parts, and components for various equipment and systems. We also provide equipment condition assessment, revamps, upgrades, and maintenance planning services to enhance the performance and availability of our client’s assets. 


By using our Asset Performance Management services, our clients can benefit from: 

  • Reduced risks and costs associated with asset failures, downtime, and repairs.
  • Increased asset availability, efficiency, and output. 
  • Enhanced asset integrity, quality, and compliance. 
  • Improved asset design and life cycle management. 
  • Data-driven insights and recommendations for asset optimization. 

To learn more about our Asset Performance Management services, contact us today. 

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